Are you thinking about taking out a loan or credit to finance your studies? This decision needs to be well thought out, because it can mean that you will have to pay back high interest rates later on. However, there are also favorable conditions for certain loans for students.
So find out about the various offers here! And before you decide on a loan, first make sure that you are not entitled to BAföG. BAföG is the most favorable form of student financing: Half of it is free and the other half is an interest-free loan!
- is for students who are already advanced in their studies.
- can be applied for up to the age of 36.
- is additional aid for special situations, such as for financing expensive study materials, excursions, study visits or internships abroad.
- The education loan is paid monthly in advance in installments of 100, 200 or 300 euros by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). Other options are possible.
- Income and assets of the students or their parents do not play a role in the awarding of the loan.
- The interest rate is currently 4,87% (as of April 1, 2024; KfW Förderbank redefines the interest rates of its loan offers every April 1 and October 1).
- Repayment begins four years after the first disbursement.
- The loan must be paid in installments of 120 euros per month.
There is no legal entitlement to the education loan. Since only a certain annual sum is available for the education loan program, the application should be submitted early. If the annual sum is not sufficient for all applications, the date of application is decisive.
More information on the education loan can be found on the BMBF website.
Unsure if the loan is a good option for you? Take advantage of the advice in our BAföG department or social counseling.
Special financing problems can arise shortly before graduation. BAföG funding has expired because the standard period of study has been exceeded, or there is not enough time left for working alongside the final thesis.
The Studentenwerk therefore helps students in particular need with long-term student loans. These loans are interest-free (!) and are intended to facilitate graduation. The amount of the loan is based on the BAföG rates.
In principle, the loans are also open to students from abroad.
The exact terms and conditions for student loans can be downloaded as a PDF below.
You need more information? Contact our social counseling service.