Now available for download: four films on the study-related topics of financing, studying with children, social security and job search.
(26.05.2021) The Social Counselling Office of the Studentenwerk Hannover offers advice on all social topics related to studying. Once a semester, a series of lectures takes place on topics that are particularly relevant for students. As some of the events have to be cancelled during the Corona pandemic, the Studentenwerk Hannover and the state capital Hannover have now summarised the most important information in four films and published them on the video portal wissen.hannover.de of the Initiative Wissenschaft Hannover.
"We are providing students with concentrated information in an appealing format," Michael Knüppel, Managing Director of the Studentenwerk Hannover, is pleased to say. "Nevertheless, we hope that the Corona situation will soon ease and that our social advisors* will be able to offer the information events in presence again."
Studying with a child
Dorothea Tschepke, social advisor at the Studentenwerk Hannover, and Bärbel Kuhlmey, family manager at the state capital Hannover, provide information in the film "Studying with a child" about state support for student families, childcare and the services offered by the state capital and the Studentenwerk Hannover.
Financing your studies
Ina Klyk, social advisor at the Studentenwerk Hannover, and Manuel Schröder, former scholarship holder of a scholarship for gifted students, give tips on BAföG, student loans, scholarships and jobs.
The last two films are interesting for all those who will soon be completing their studies: Ina Klyk informs in the film "Zwischen Studium und Beruf: Soziale Absicherung" about state support in the transition phase and about jobbing. In "Application Tips" Angelika Zeilinger from the Central Institution for Quality Development at Leibniz Universität Hannover gives many helpful hints for a successful job search.
Hanover's mayor Belit Onay welcomes the joint video series by the city and the Studentenwerk: "Knowledge transfer via videos is becoming increasingly important - this is particularly evident during the Corona pandemic. Advice and information are important for the 50,000 students in Hannover, who are not only struggling with digital studies, but also with the loss of numerous job opportunities. The video platform wissen.hannover.de has also become an important digital calling card for the university and science location, which we need more than ever. As a municipality, we are thus setting a groundbreaking example for the excellent cooperation with Hanover's universities."
Students have moved into the new dormitory in Haltenhoffstraße
(16.12.2020) After one and a half years of construction, the first students were able to move into the new student dormitory "Haus am Berggarten" in time for the winter semester, after the first two parts of the building had already been completed in October. Now the remaining two buildings followed and the last students were able to move into their new home for the duration of their studies. With 184 students, the dormitory is now fully occupied.
The dormitory construction was made possible by funding from the state of Lower Saxony with an interest-free loan of 13.8 million and a grant of 4.2 million euros, and by Leibniz University, which gave the 4,500-square-meter property on Haltenhoffstraße to the Studentenwerk.
"The new building is in an excellent location close to the campus and the Herrenhausen Gardens and offers 184 students optimal learning and living conditions that meet all the requirements of students," said Lower Saxony's Minister for Science and Culture Björn Thümler. "This will relieve the housing market in the city of Hannover and students will benefit from the relatively low rents that the Studentenwerk can offer thanks to the state subsidy."
In addition to the student dormitory spaces, a new study room and four group study rooms for the university have also been created on the ground floor of the building.
"The step taken by Leibniz University to make the property in Haltenhoffstraße available to the Studentenwerk via hereditary building rights a few years ago was necessary and correct. In this way, we have also set an active example on our part against the housing shortage and not just relied on politics," says University President Prof. Dr. Volker Epping. "Even though we urgently need the expansion space for the Leibniz University campuses in Nordstadt, this was an important sign of solidarity with our students, who are more dependent than ever on affordable housing."
Michael Knüppel, Managing Director of the Studentenwerk Hannover: "I am very pleased that we managed to complete the dormitory as planned. We urgently needed the additional places. The continuing high demand for our places confirms our commitment to creating new student housing, which we will continue in the future. I hope that we will continue to have such committed partners as the state and the university at our side."
Because despite all the joy about the new dormitory, Knüppel said it should not be forgotten that further efforts are needed to create dormitory places for students at Hanover, which is in great demand as a place to study, compared to the supply of dormitory places at other university locations in the state. The Studentenwerk's waiting lists are traditionally very long at the start of the winter semester. Even in the Corona pandemic, demand for student housing remains high. The Studentenwerk was able to rent out all of the residence hall spaces for the winter semester. Vacancies have hardly been recorded - and if so, only for a short time.
The new building of the "Haus am Berggarten" is the fourth dormitory project that the Studentenwerk has realized together with ACMS Architekten from Wuppertal within the past four years.
Students move into the renovated Heidjerhof dormitory in time for the winter semester
(02.10.2020) On October 1, 139 students moved into the newly renovated Heidjerhof residence hall. The 50-year-old building had to undergo a general overhaul last year. The Studentenwerk also took advantage of the urgently needed core renovation to modify the room structure: while the Heidjerhof used to be a classic hallway dormitory with shared bathrooms and kitchens, it now also offers single apartments or single rooms in shared apartments. Depending on their size, the single rooms and apartments cost between 270 and 385 euros in rent per month.
The costs of the renovation of around 9.5 million euros had to be financed for the most part from the Studentenwerk's own funds as well as from loans, which have to be paid back with interest. Only for a KfW loan of 1.8 million euros is there a repayment subsidy of 15 percent. Unfortunately, a state programme to finance the refurbishment of student housing does not yet exist.
"We are pleased that our renovation work has gone according to plan and that we will be able to offer new student housing again in time for the winter semester. Despite the Corona pandemic, the demand for student housing remains at a high level, so we have a long waiting list for a place in a hall of residence again this year," emphasises Michael Knüppel, Managing Director of the Studentenwerk Hannover.
Student housing in Hannover
Every winter semester it becomes apparent anew: There is not enough affordable student housing in Hannover. There are currently 1,238 students on the waiting list of the Studentenwerk Hannover for a place in a hall of residence. For years, the Studentenwerk has been committed to building new dormitory places and creating new student housing with the help of state funding, funds from foundations and equity capital. In addition, the renovation of existing stock is also very important. A large portion of the Student Union's residence halls are 40 years old and older. Public funding is also urgently needed to rehabilitate this old stock.
"As part of the second supplementary budget, the state government has included a comprehensive programme for the energy-efficient refurbishment of buildings as part of social housing. We very much hope that we will be able to participate in this," explains Michael Knüppel. Next year, another renovation project is already on the agenda at the Studentenwerk: the renovation of the dormitory in Dorotheenstraße. This is a special challenge: Since this is the largest residence hall of the Studentenwerk with around 500 places, the renovation there can only proceed step by step.
New Managing Director at the Studentenderk Hannover
(31.08.2020) As of September 1, 2020, Michael Knüppel will be managing the affairs of the Studentenwerk Hannover. His predecessor Eberhard Hoffmann is retiring.
As managing director, Eberhard Hoffmann developed the Studentenwerk Hannover into a modern service company over the past 30 years. He strengthened the social orientation of the Studentenwerk by setting up a social counselling service and creating a wide range of support services for international students, among others. One of the focal points of his work was his commitment to the creation of more affordable student housing in Hannover. In the last five years, more than 400 additional dormitory places have been created in this way. He also made his mark on the university catering sector by continuously expanding the infrastructure and range of services. Today, the dining halls in Hannover cook "Naturally Fresh" for the most part without additives and also offer a wide variety of vegetarian and vegan dishes, in accordance with the eating habits of the students.
Successor with Student Union experience
On September 1, 2020, Michael Knüppel will take over the management of the Studentenwerk Hannover. He already brings some Studentenwerk experience with him. Since 2014, he has served as the main department head of finance, construction and information technology and deputy to the managing director at the Studentenwerk Hannover. Before that, Knüppel was an authorised signatory and commercial manager at a larger company in the Hannover region for several years.
He would like to continue Hoffmann's commitment to affordable student housing. In addition to the creation of new living space, it is also a matter of maintaining the existing ones. The dormitories of the Studentenwerk are on average around 40 years old and some of them are in urgent need of renovation. In the area of university catering, the idea of sustainability will be further developed, while at the same time new concepts will be tested there, also in response to the Corona crisis and the online teaching that goes with it.
"We are delighted to have gained an experienced and committed managing director in Michael Knüppel. With his sound economic expertise, he will bring the Studentenwerk Hannover well through the economic consequences of the Corona pandemic," said Dr. Gerhard Greif, Chairman of the Administrative Board. "At the same time, we would like to thank Eberhard Hoffmann for his many years of extremely successful work."
The Studentenwerk Hannover - social infrastructure during studies
The Studentenwerk Hannover provides the social infrastructure for around 48,000 students in the city of Hannover. The 360 employees ensure that the students at the universities lack for nothing. In order to fulfil its social mission, it operates as a non-profit organisation under public law. The Studentenwerk runs refectories and cafeterias and maintains student residences. In addition, it offers counselling services on social issues during studies and is responsible for BAföG funding for students in Hanover.
Hannover Student Union awards prizes to committed students | Award ceremony on YouTube
(18.06.2020) Three students, one student group and no less than three special prizes have now been awarded by the Hannover Student Union with the "Student Union Prize for Social Commitment in Higher Education". Since a festive award ceremony with several hundred guests was not possible due to the Corona pandemic, the prizes have been "awarded" within the framework of a virtual award ceremony on the YouTube channel of the Studentenwerk - including a video message from the Lord Mayor Belit Onay.
The award winners are involved in very different areas for their fellow students: They support student parents as well as students with contact difficulties, and they are committed to improving teaching and learning conditions at universities. Three special awards will be given to student groups this year. Two of these provide everyday support to at-risk groups during the Corona crisis. Another group advocates for the sustainable use of resources.
Studying fast, getting good grades and earning all or part of their living "on the side" - students have a double burden in more ways than one. There is not much time left to do voluntary work in addition to studying and having a part-time job. That's why volunteerism by students for students deserves special recognition.
"The ideas and the commitment of the awarded students are and remain very important pillars for the university location Hanover", therefore also emphasizes Belit Onay in his video message.
"Being there for each other and with each other is essential for the university as a living space and also for a social urban society. We were also particularly impressed by how quickly student initiatives came together during the Corona crisis to support people in need in their surroundings," explains Eberhard Hoffmann, Managing Director of the Studentenwerk Hannover.
"Student Union Award for Social Commitment in Higher Education".
With the Studentenwerk Award, the Studentenwerk Hannover makes the voluntary work of students for students visible in everyday university life. The prize is being awarded for the 16th time. Within the framework of a call for entries, the Hanover universities submit proposals to the Studentenwerk. A commission, including student representatives from the Studentenwerk's committees, selects the prize winners from the selection of proposals. The prizes for individuals are 500 euros, groups receive 1,500 euros. Special prizes are endowed with 1,000 euros.
This year, half of the approximately 40 proposals were received from universities following the "lockdown" in the wake of the Corona pandemic. Although the universities also completely shut down their attendance and students and teachers were - and still are - faced with great challenges, the response to the call for entries was very great and was an incentive for the Studentenwerk Hannover to stick with this year's award, despite the crisis.
Since the first Studentenwerk award in 2000, 111 students and student groups have been honoured for their voluntary work.
Watch the award ceremony on YouTube. (YouTube's privacy policy applies)