This aid fund is designed for students who are having difficulty absorbing the rising cost of living, especially the high cost of energy. Another emergency fund will be tailored to meet the needs of students with children and students with handicaps/chronic illnesses. These students usually find it difficult to absorb the rising costs in all areas by working additional jobs; moreover, the financial constraints of this group of students are usually higher.
Students with a child, pregnant students and students with a chronic illness and/or handicap who are studying at a university within the area of responsibility of the Studentenwerk Hannover, who do not live with their parents and are not on leave of absence, and whose monthly income is below certain income limits (for more information on income limits, see "How much is the allowance").
Universities in the area of responsibility of the Studentenwerk Hannover:
- Leibniz University Hannover
- Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
- Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Hanover Medical School
- University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Collegiate students of the Studienkolleg of Leibniz Universität Hannover who pay the student union fee can also apply.
Please note: Slight impairments of students with chronic illness/handicap, which do not reduce the possibilities of jobbing, cannot be recognized. In case of doubt, students should submit a medical certificate confirming that the chronic illness/handicap impairs the possibilities for jobbing.
Students who receive BAföG cannot apply for the allowance. Since the fund is public money, it must be fully counted towards BAföG: The support from the fund would be deducted in full from the BAföG support. However, it should be emphasized here that BAföG recipients (have) twice received a heating allowance via the BAföG department.
Students who live with their parents cannot apply for the allowance, since the parents' income cannot be verified in this procedure.
It amounts to a maximum of € 800 and is calculated according to the following scale:
Students with child Regular monthly income below € 1,000 for the student plus € 620 for each child for single parents or plus €310 for each child for students living in the same household as the other parent.one-time allowance of € 800.
Regular monthly income between 1,000 € and 1,100 € for the student plus 620 € for each child for single parents or plus €310 for each child for students living in the same household as the other parent.one-time allowance of 600 €.
Pregnant female students Regular monthly income below 920 €: One-time allowance in the amount of 800 €
Regular monthly income between 920 € and 1,020 €: One-time allowance in the amount of €600
Students with chronic illness/handicap Regular monthly income below € 850: One-time allowance in the amount of € 800
Regular monthly income between 850 € and 950 €: One-time allowance in the amount of 600 €
First, fill out the application form completely (preferably not by hand). Then print it out and sign it. Together with the documents to be attached (see: What documents do I have to submit), send the form by e-mail to Hilfsfonds-Soziales(at)studentenwerk-hannover.de.
In addition to the completed application form, the following documents must be attached:
- current certificate of enrollment
- complete bank statement for the month preceding the application (the bank statement must include the applicant's name).
Students with a child also enclose:
- Birth certificate of the child/children.
- If the child/children do not live in their own household: Proof of maintenance payments
Pregnant students also enclose:
- Proof of pregnancy (usually maternity passport)
Students with chronic illness/handicap also enclose:
- Certificate of impairment or long-term illness.